coarse-grained fracture câu
1.4 Fine-grained, coarse-grained, and embarrassing parallelismFine-grained, coarse-grained, và embarrassing parallelismSửa đổi 1.4 Fine...

coarse-grained soil
For example, you can not contain wyunov akvantoftalmusov in an aquarium with coarse-grained soil.Ví dụ: bạn không thể chứa wyunov akvan...

coarse-grained structure
The word "granite" comes from theLatin granum, a grain, in reference to the coarse-grained structure of such a holocrystalline rock.Từ ...

coarse-grained wood
Sal is one of the most important sources of hardwood timber in India, with hard, coarse-grained wood that is light in colour when fresh...

“You have not cleaned out the dirt grained into your hands and they are all wrinkly.”"Ngươi không tìm được cái chén , đều bị ta dẵm nát...

What I see are two coarse and lowly rogues.Ta chỉ thấy hai thằng lừa đảo thấp kém, thô lỗ thôi! I will not give in to coarse passion.T...

We've got a hull fracture in the engine room!Chúng ta đã có một vết nứt ở vỏ trong phòng động cơ! The swell can fracture the sea ice l...

If the cells are small, the texture is smooth; these woods, described as close-grained, don't require filling.Nếu tế bào nhỏ thì cấu tr...

You are a ruthless, soulless, cross-grained cur. - l told you I had a ship.Em là kẻ tàn nhẫn, không có tâm hồn, khó tính, tên vô lại. ...

1.4 Fine-grained, coarse-grained, and embarrassing parallelismFine-grained, coarse-grained, và embarrassing parallelismSửa đổi 1.4 Fine...

grained rock
From Italian granito, which means grained rock, from grano grain, and from Latin granumtừ granito Ý, có nghĩa là đá hạt, từ hạt grano, ...

Then, proceed to large-grained, stateful services.Sau đó, tìm đến những nhà cung cấp lớn hoặc đại lí chính thức.

If you believe the general rules of arrangement of aquariums, the soil should be fine or medium-grained, taking into account the power ...

Pores naturally filled with resinous material which creates a smoother surface than other open-grained woods with large pores.Lỗ chân l...

short grained
Brown rice will need at least 2 cups of water and likely more, but short grained white rice will need less than the standard to get it ...

The products can be classified into four types in terms of the color and the concave-convex of the surface: plain-colored, wood-grained...

ankle fracture
„Recently I suffered bilateral ankle fracture.“Gần đây tôi có bị ngứa ở dương vật kèm tình trạng nổi mụn đỏ. He has an ankle fracture ...

bone fracture
The first sign may be a bone fracture.Các dấu hiệu đầu tiên có thể là một gãy xương. The first sign might be a bone fracture.Các dấu h...

brittle fracture
The effect of the formation of this phase is to make the steel extremely brittle and failure can occur because of brittle fracture.Hiệu...

cervical fracture
It appears to have been a slip and fall. Cervical fracture, massive hematoma.Hình như cô ấy đã bị trượt chân và ngã gãy cổ tử cung, tụ ...

closed fracture
A closed fracture occurs when a bone breaks within the human body but does not pierce the skin.Gãy xương khép kín xảy ra khi một xương ...

coarse aggregate
how many types of coarse aggregate did produced in plantsCó Bao Nhiêu Loại Tổng Hợp Thô đã được Sản Xuất Trong Thực Vật name of coarse...

coarse cloth
The young man, lying on his back, dressed in his jacket of coarse cloth, torn at the chest, seemed to be asleep.Chàng trai trẻ nằm ngửa...

coarse crusher
For coarse crusher continuous, even feeding, and at the same time coarse screening materials, with a stable vibration, reliable work ch...

coarse filter
Suitable for large flow of liquids, especially water, coarse filter.Thích hợp cho lưu lượng lớn chất lỏng, đặc biệt là nước, lọc thô.